Scroll down for interactive calendar and upcoming events…
Weekly Schedule
8:30 AM – Worship Service
9:00 AM – Coffee and pastries (FLC)
9:30 AM –  Sunday School
10:30 AM – Worship Service
4:00 PM – Online Bible Study
5:00 PM- Handbell Rehearsal
7:30 AM- Men’s Prayer and Devotions
4:00 PM –Clothes Closet
5:00 PM – Wednesday Friends
5:00 PM – Dinner (FLC)
5:45 PM – Prayer and Bible Study 
7:00 PM – Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM – Youth Group (FLC Gym)


Wednesday Bible Study * The Letter to the Philippians
5:00 PM – Dinner
5:45 PM – Prayer Meeting
6:00 PM – Bible Study
Please join us every Wednesday for supper and Bible study.  Paul’s epistle to the Philippians is a celebration of God’s love and joy, and the church’s calling of being an anchor in a world of conflict and hardship.  Bring a friend for dinner!

Hanging of the Greens – ONE Worship Service
Sunday, December 1st at 10:30 AM
The first Sunday in Advent includes ONE worship service at 10:30 AM (NO 8:30 AM service) as we get ready for the celebration of Jesus’ birthday in the Christmas season.  A memorable service you won’t forget – invite friends and family, and we need children to help decorate the Christmas tree!
GROW Outreach Ministry
Tuesday, December 3rd at 2:00 PM
All are welcome to join us to write cards, make phone calls, and pray as part of our “in-reach” and outreach in our church community.  We meet in the small social hall of the Family Life Center.  
Ladies’ Devotions
Tuesday, December 3rd at 6:30 PM
All are welcome for food, fellowship, and Bible study in the Family Life Center.  Please bring a snack and devotion to share.  Invite a friend! 
Sr. Adult Christmas Party
Friday, December 13th at 12:00 PM
All are invited to our annual Senior Adults ministry Christmas party lunch.  Our fellowship includes a great meal, fellowship, and Christmas fun! In the Family Life Center large social hall. 
Special Missions Emphasis Advent Worship Service
Sunday, December 15th at 10:30 AM
The Third Sunday of Advent will be only ONE worship service (no 8:30 am service).  We welcome Rev. Paul Baxley, Executive Coordinator of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global, to the pulpit.  Special guest, Rev. Tammy Snyder of the CBF-Florida and Caribbean Islands will give a missions moment and lead our pastoral prayer.  Pastor Joe LaGuardia will officiate.  December is Lottie Moon (SBC) – Global Missions (CBF) month!

“A Call to Prayer” Prayer Meeting
Thursday, December 19th at 3:00 PM
All are welcome for a time of facilitated and extemporaneous prayer in our Prayer Chapel from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM.  The Prayer Chapel is located near the sanctuary restrooms – enter the church near the sanctuary restrooms from either the front or the rear parking lots. 
55th Annual Presentation of Handel’s Messiah
Saturday, December 21st at 7:00 PM
Sunday, December 22nd at 4:00 PM
Everyone is invited to the annual presentation of Handel’s Messiah.  This concert is a Christmas Vero Beach tradition here at First Baptist, and promises to get you into the Christmas spirit.  The Messiah tells the story of our Savior Jesus Christ.  There are no tickets required, and a love offering will be collected to offset the costs of the presentation.   Doors open an hour before the presentation.  Bring a sweater and a friend!
Christmas Eve Candelight and Communion Service
Monday, December 24th at 4:00 PM
Bring the whole family to celebrate the birth of Jesus!  Our Christmas Eve worship service includes communion and candlelighting, hymns and the reading of Scripture.  We encourage families to be together for worship during this special service, so nursery care is not provided. 

First Baptist Church Calendar