What to expect on your first visit…
We are a traditional Baptist church committed to incorporating the deep spiritual practices of yesteryear into a contemporary, life-giving, and vibrant walk with Jesus Christ. 
You can expect us to be hospitable and warm, but not pushy.  You can expect us to encourage you and your family to participate in a meaningful life of discipleship, from the youngest to the oldest members of your family.  You can expect us to worship joyfully, get excited about missions, and study the Bible faithfully.  You can expect us to get involved in the community, but in a healthy way that brings God’s transformative presence into the world today — without pushing any agenda or partisan platform.
You can also expect us to celebrate God’s rich diversity of gifts and people in our church family.  We do not tell you what or how to believe.  We do not force you to live by one person’s standards of self-righteousness.  We simply ask you to obey the Holy Spirit and the Bible, and to live faithfully into the calling of ministry on God’s terms rather than your — or our — terms.
Call or email us to tour the campus, check out ministries, or see spaces in which we disciple our children, youth, young adults, and senior adults and everyone in between. 
Call us if you have questions about your faith or the Bible.  There are no questions off limits, and you will not find this to be a place that judges you.  We simply want to walk with you in your journey of faith so we can grow in Christ together!
Please check out these ministries that help us thrive as a congregation…
Why Church?
by Kristina LaGuardia, Minister of Children, Youth, and Families
No one likes to add extra things into an already busy week, but adding church can have a positive impact on your children and your family.  We want you and your family to grow closer together, develop your faith, and make life-long connections with the Lord and our church community.
While church can feel like one more thing on your to-do list, it could be one of the most important long-term investments you do for your family each week.  Please join us on mission, whether an inquiring guest or a seasoned saint.  We’d love to see you here! 
Our Mission
Our mission is to worship God and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ through word and action with our local community and around the world.
Our Vision
Our vision is to grow an intergenerational, global mission by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.